Sunday, August 7, 2011

Family Shoot

Not a real shooting but a photography shoot.

I find myself saying, "I'd like to shoot your family" & "let me know when that baby is born so we can do a newborn shoot" & although it is a photography shoot, I've heard advertising, "Creative, laid back, family shootings" doesn't get much business.


Anyway, I did take some pictures of a family Friday night & I think they turned out great! I babysat for them before little Ella came along & now they're a big family of 5. The happiest family of 5 I've ever seen, I might add.

Thanks Thompson's for letting me take pictures of your gorgeous family! 


Mrs. Mama said...

beautiful pictures girl!! love them!

Laura said...

Love the one of their feet in the water! I'm sure the family will be more than happy with these photos!