Friday, July 1, 2011

Toes in the water, Booty in the sand

It's the first day of July which means ... It's time for the yearly family vacation! 

Can I get a, "thank sweet baby jesus" in unison please?

While you're reading this I'm probably sleeping in the back of the car or maybe reading a magazine or watching a Redbox movie. (thank goodness for Redbox.)

Anywho, I'm going to try really hard to stay off my computer & cell phone while I'm on this trip and just totally soak it up. 

I can't promise you wont see some picture posts but this little space of the internet will be lacking words for awhile.

I need a break! 

But don't fret! I have some fabulous guest-bloggers lined up for while I'm gone. You won't be disappointed.

See you on the flip side!


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