Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's not fair.

3 babies have gone to heaven before they even reached their first birthdays. 

One went just moments after she took her first breath. Two were taken peacefully in their sleep by the monster that is SIDS. 

I'm a regular reader of, Another Day Stronger, written by the momma (and sometimes the daddy) of little Maddie who went to heaven in February at just a few months old because SIDS took her. 

When I was in elementary school & a camper at Camp Lakeview, a Lutheran camp close to my home, Shel was my counselor.

She was so much fun and I just loved her, so I added her on Facebook as soon as I was old enough to get it & I've followed her story from the time she found her husband until most recently, the loss of her baby girl, Delia due to Anencephaly. 

Shel is the reason I started blogging, I loved her creativity & her writing style and wanted to do it too.

Now she's a wife, a momma to 2 angel babies and one on earth and one of the strongest Christians I've ever known.

And on Monday when I opened Facebook, I was met with the devastating news that a young family in my town had lost their baby boy, Reid, to SIDS early that morning. He was only 5 months old.

Reid's momma was good friends with my brother when they were in high school and would often come to our house. 

I swear she was born to be a mom. She's always loved kids.

and now? her baby is gone before he could even wear his first Halloween costume.

After reading, "Heaven is for Real", I know for a fact that all of these sweet babies are in heaven, probably in Jesus' arms, and are being taken care of by the one who knows how to take care of babies better than anyone else.

But it isn't fair.

It's not fair that these parents had such a short time with their babies, that their hearts have to be broken for the rest of their lives, that their lives will never be the same.

It isn't fair & I don't understand, but I know God promises to reach his hand out and comfort these families and that he will never leave them.

Please pray for these 3 families and all those who have had their children stolen from their arms way too soon. 

I think at a time like this, prayer is the only thing that could help.

and with that, I'll leave you with this video made for Shel's baby Delia, get your kleenex, you'll need them.


1 comment:

Lauren @ Dreams Take Flight said...

I loved Heaven is for Real. After Brian's friend died in Afghanistan, we read it together and it definitely was comforting. I am so brokenhearted for these families; I can't even comprehend losing a little life you created. :'( They'll definitely be in my prayers.