Monday, August 30, 2010

What looks ridiculous and hurts at the same time?

... my freakin' eyebrows that got ripped to shreds! That's what!! I knew that I should've just gone to the salon and gotten my eyebrows waxed there but instead, I tried this "at home wax kit" that we had.

So, there I was, warming up the wax that just wouldn't get warm. Finally, it got soft enough that I could put it on so I ran back to the bathroom to apply. This wax was super messy, strings all over the place. I applied it to my eyebrow, stuck the paper on and Rip! ... No luck. So I thought, wow this stuff sucks & now it's all over my hands and face. I started scrubbing. I used a wet washcloth first & then some alcohol (HOLY HELL THAT HURT) and then I tried the wet washcloth some more.

Finally, my mom told me that the blue solution was for taking the wax off. Awesome. One quick swipe of that stuff and I was super clean.

Then, I looked in the mirror. I got the wax off, but I was still a little red. I thought that it would go away but I woke up today with the ripped off skin eyebrows.

So, today, I will be walking around campus looking both ridiculous and in pain but learning a hard lesson: JUST GO TO THE SALON.

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